Acupuncture & Pelvic Floor Disorders
Reclaim Your Pelvic Health With Acupuncture in Naperville
What Is Acupuncture and How Does it Work?
Acupuncture is a treatment that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body. In traditional Chinese medicine, these points are believed to be connected to different meridians, or channels, in the body, which influence energy flow and balance. When an acupuncturist applies needles to these points, they aim to restore the body's natural energy balance, promoting self-healing and symptom relief. Acupuncture can cause various physiological responses, including the release of endorphins, improved blood flow, and a calming effect on the nervous system's sympathetic response.
Acupuncture for Pelvic Floor Disorders
Acupuncture is widely used to treat PFD by alleviating pain, reducing inflammation, and boosting muscle tone and relaxation in the pelvic floor muscles. It can also reduce stress and improve the flow of Qi energy in the body, encouraging self-healing.
What To Expect During Acupuncture Treatment
Safety of Acupuncture for Pelvic Floor Disorders
While acupuncture is a safe and non-invasive treatment option for PFDs, it is essential to seek out a licensed acupuncturist who has specialized experience in treating pelvic floor disorders. The experienced and trained practitioners at The Emperor's Medicine in Naperville can guarantee that you receive appropriate diagnosis, effective treatments, and individualized care. Our practitioners will also provide you with detailed information about safety measures to take before and after treatment, including proper hygiene, and ensure that the treatment rooms are clean and sterilized.
Get Started With The Emperor’s Medicine in Naperville
Although acupuncture is still a form of alternative treatment, more doctors and medical professionals have recognized its benefits as a complementary therapy in treating PFDs. If you are struggling with PFD symptoms, consider acupuncture as a viable treatment option with little to no side effects. With a trained and skilled practitioner, you can improve your symptoms, enhance your daily life, and achieve better health outcomes.
If you’re ready to find an effective way to treat pelvic floor disorders, it is vital to consult a licensed and experienced acupuncturist such as those at The Emperor's Medicine in Naperville to ensure that you receive the best possible treatment outcomes. Contact us today to get started!
Voted Naperville's Best Acupuncture Clinic in 2023!